Monday, November 21, 2011



Summary- Pain, we all understand and some even embrace it, why embrace it, I have no idea. Today we'll be talking about all kinds of different pains. Their are essentially two types of pain, acute pain, and chronic pain. Acute is the kind that can be healed by mommy's kiss, honestly, how to we get five year old kids to eat our stuff up? Then there's the chronic pain, which is like the, give me some killer of pain before I run you over with a freight train, pain, not really, but it is more painful and lasts much longer. An easy example is like being open handed by big sister, and having internal bleeding from actually thinking it was a good idea to jump from the roof into the pool, it's amazing how much stuff we don't die from. Chronic pain may have other effects on a person than just hurting for a while, it may actually cause a more personal type of pain. People can go into depression because of their disability and may feel like they're a burden to the people who are caring for them, it could also possibly be awkward or strange for people to have to rely on other people for a lot more things than they're used to. Maintaining a person with chronic pain's pain is important to keep their quality of life.

My Thoughts- Keep them from feeling useless, and they won't run you over with a freight train.

Impact- We'll give patients more medication?

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