Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Metabolic defects in mice


Summary; A study has revealed that immature neurtrons that are taken form healty mouse embryos can repair damaged brain circuitry and partially normalize metabolism when they are inserted into adult mice who have grown morbidly obese from a genetic deficiency. This is just one step down a long road to neuronal replacement therapy which is hoped to be able one day to repair brains that have been injured by trauma and disease.

Critique: I like it

British butterfly is evolving to respond to climate change

Summary: As global temperatures rise and climatic zones move polewards, species will need to find different environments to prevent extinction. New research, published today in the journal Molecular Ecology, has revealed that climate change is causing certain species to move and adapt to a range of new habitats.The study, led by academics at the Universities of Bristol and Sheffield, aimed to understand the role of evolution in helping a species to successfully track ongoing climate change.With climate warming many species are moving further north in the UK, however, this may mean crossing a landscape with increasingly less of their preferred habitat. Evolutionary change in the ability to use geographically widespread habitats or increased ability to move longer distances can help species to track the warming climate and move northwards.The Brown Argus butterfly is successfully expanding its distribution northwards in the UK and uses a range of distinct habitats. Using genetic techniques to detect evolutionary change, the researchers were able to show that the colonisation of new sites further north by the Brown Argus has involved significant adaptation during or following colonisation.

Impact: This may convince people to believe in evolution.

Critic: This article confirmed my belief in global warming.


Athsma and its causes


Summary: The number of people with athsma has increased over the past few years. The most common causes are: Heredity, Living in urban areas, Frequent respitory infections, Regualar exposure to secondhand smoke, Low birth weight, Reflux or GERD, Being around areas with a lot of vehicle traffic, Obesity or being overweight, Being african-american or puerto rican, Being male (in adulthood women more women have it), Living in the Northeast, or poverty.

Critique: I have athsma, most likely caused by heredity (my mom has it too.) However it has gotten much better over the years and I haven't had an "athsma attack" in a very long time. I wonder why??

Impact: People still don't know why athsma is increasing steadily, but we now know the causes:)

Artery-Clogging News! :)


Summary: "Unhealthy habits are contagious". This is a quote from the article, proposing that living next to obese people can increase the chance of yuou gaining weight. Also, if you live in a poorer area, you are more at risk of being obese. Alot of factors in our lives depend on our enviroments. If we have no access to fresh produce, that could affect us in a harmful way. Even moving to a nicer neighborhood can lower the chance of obesity. The top 8 "artery- clogging" as CNN called it, cities are:
1. Detroit, MI
2.Fort Wayne, IN
3. Lubbock, TX
4. New Orleans, LA
5. Dallas, TX
6.Baton Rouge, LA
7. Tulsa, OK
8. Louisville, KY

Critique: I'm just glad Phoenix isn't on that list:) I had no clue that who you live next to affects you.... Man, but my neighbors are weird! Haha Just Kidding........

Impact: Well, those cities are obviously impacted by this news. They probably had no idea their ateroies were clogged. :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Worlds smallest snake.


Summary; The worlds smallest snake, with adults averaging to be only four inches long was found in the island of Barbados which is located in the Caribbean. The snake is really small it is only as wide as a spaghetti noodle and can fit comfortably on a quarter. The snake was discovered by Blair Hedges, an evolutionary biologist at Penn State University. He and his colleagues are also the discoverers of the worlds smallest frog, and the worlds smallest lizard. He found the snake in a forest fragment in the easteren part of Barbados. He says the species is rare because its habitat is being replaced by buildings and roadways. "Habitat destruction is a major threat to the biodiversity throughout the world" Hedges says.

Critique; I think it is really cool how small the worlds smallest snake is!

Impact; I hope this will show that we should not destroy habitats or forests!

Animals that can live in space?!


Summary; Water bears are the first animals in the world to survive the vacuum and radiation of space. Ecologist Ingemar Jönsson sent 3,000 microscopic water bears on a 12 day space trip. He did this to find out more about the basic physiology of the water bears by seeing if they could survive in the space enviorment. The next thing he is going to do is to try to umderstand the mechanisms behind the tolerence in the water bears.

Critique; I really like this article it is really interesting!

Impact; I think in 20 years humans will be able to live in space without a spacesuit!

Counting molecules.


Summary; Researchers at the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet have figured out a new method for counting molecules. Quantifying the number of different kinds of RNA and DNA molecules is a really daunting task in molecular biology as the molecules stores and transfers the data in the cells. This has improved measuring techniques which are important in understanding normal and cancer cells.

Critique; I really like this article.

Impact; I think in 20 years this will help us in finding a cure for cancer!

Guppy love


Summary; Guppies have evolved over half a million years. The male coloration has changed alot. But still they have an orange patch on their skin. It stayed orange because the female guppies prefer the orange over any other color. The reason that the patch has stayed orange is because if they changed color the female guppies could not want to mate with the males which would cause the guppies to die out.

Critique; I like this article it is really cool to read about this.

Impact; I think that in the distant future guppies will still have the orange patch on there skin.

Scientists determine how antibody recognizes key sugars on HIV surface.


Summary; HIV is coated in sugars that hide the virus from the immune system. The study was led by Peter D. Kwong, Ph.D. He is the chief of the Structural Biology Section of the Vaccine Research Center at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. People who have been infected with the HIV virus for several years can begin to make antibodies that neutralize wide ranges of the virus strains. These antibodies bind to one of four spots on the virus. One site is involved with sugar at a spot called the amino acid residue 160 (the building blocks for sugar is amino acids.) The sugar is located on the spikes that poke out of the HIV virus's surface.

Critique; I think this is a huge step for science and helping with the HIV virus.

Impact; I think in 10 years we will have a cure for all diseases.



Summary- BACON it is a magnificent creation of mankind. It is simply philosophized by Americans and other nationalities that it’s a agricultural requirement. Such as a cheeseburger with no bacon is not a cheese burger at all. And a breakfast with no bacon is not breakfast at all. Why do we need bacon in our society so bad well it’s a needed food for society? Without bacon we are NOTHING!

Critique- I like bacon…..

Impact- America!


Monday, November 28, 2011

Technology Improvement

In the past few decades technology has evolved greatly. Now a days cars can park themselves, stores can run themselves and you can mutate animals to better fit our diets. Technology has improved so greatly over the years that in the near future life will be exceedingly easy for the average person. Soon humans might not even have to walk at all. Obesity is increasing at an alarming rate. If technology improves anymore humans will become so dependent upon it that without it they may not be able to function properly. With the unhealthy diets that technology can provide for us our bodies become less able to function normally and our immune systems fail. For example; one in four kids born after the year 2000 will develop diabetes. Technology is making us lazier and co dependent.

Pros and Cons

Pros- Life will be easier for most people, communication and staying in touch will be easier. Less deaths from car accidents, etc.

Cons- More unhealthy and fatter people, weaker immune systems and all around weaker bodies
with development of weapons technology the world will be in constant threat of extinction and radioactive fallout. If we were to develop such weapons we could potentially make the world uninhabitable.

Impact- In twenty five years if something isnt done about technology and the way we depend upon it, future generations will suffer the consequences. Humans will eventually be so unhealthy that our bodies will not be able to function resulting in death and

Aids and HPV

Sexually transmitted diseases (Std's) are becoming more common in America. Two of the biggest Std's in America are HIV and HPV. The reason the diseases are becoming more common is because people too many sexual partners and unprotected sex. Sex has become too casual. This will effect the human race because HPV and HIV prevent pro-creation. With a decreasing birth rate and increasing death rate human population will decline greatly. In America this isnt a problem yet. But in places such as Europe the birth rate is already lower than the death rate. This means Europe will slowly loose its entire population. If this were to happen in America the result would be catastrophic.

Pros and Cons

Pros- we can all have lots of fun.
Cons- Decreasing amount of humans. More infant deaths at a young age. Possible mutation in the Gene Pool resulting in a massive death count.

The impact in 25 years may not be so bad. Just a slight decrease in population. But further into the future possible Genetic Mutation and massive population decrease.

Stress harmful effects physical and mental

I'm stressin about work, I'm stressin about school, I'm stressin about money. These are all examples of stress. Stress is growing in everyone life. Every person in the world is effected by stress. Can stress really hurt us. The answer is yes. Stress can be a good thing: stress can help you get things done faster, bring out your competitive side, even help your procrastination problem, but it is not always a good thing. Many studies including my own studies show stress can have very bad effects on the body and mind. Stress can make your bowels stop working, make your heart beat to fast or to slow, puke up food or just lose your appetite all together. With increasing pressure on today's youth, stress can all in all kill you slowly. My own personal studies show stress is found mostly in young adults(before or during puberty) have a lot to worry about. Stress can even make your memory go south.

Stress the pros and cons

Pros: helps you beat procrastination, and improve your performance at work or school.

Cons: memory loss, trouble focusing, physical weakness and emotional break down.

The impact is very bad. Teens may turn to drugs, alcohol ect. resulting in shorter lives for a number of reasons. Unfortunately stress can result in suicide. we need to do something about the negative stress before it does something about us.

How To Fight The Cold


Summary: As soon as you start to feel symptoms of having a cold, start drinking water or juice. You should also gargle with salt water because it reduces the inflammation in the back of your throat. Also, keep your nose clean by spraying it. Within the first two hours of starting to feel the symptoms, head to the drug store, have two tablespoons of honey straight up or in tea. Over the next six hours, skip work if you can, stay hydrated, light exercise if your up for it. At the end of the day, eat a healthy dinner to fuel immune system, and the net day you should feel better, but if not then call your doctor!

Critique: I think that these steps would definitely help with the cold before you get a cold.

Impact: The impacts these steps have are positive because they would, hopefully, keep you from getting sick

8 Spices That Will Help You Stay Healthy


Summary: There are 8 species that you should be eating. They are healthy and will help you stay healthy. They are chili peppers because they will help you boost your metabolism. Another one spice is ginger because it may help you soothe an upset stomach, and fight artistic pain. Cinnamon may help stabilize your blood sugar, which is why you should eat it. Another spice that may help you is turmeric, which may quell inflammation and inhibit tumors. Saffron may help lift your mood; parsley may help inhibit breast cancer-cell growth, sage may help you preserve memory and soothe soar throats, and rosemary may help enhance mental focus and fight foodborne bacteria.

Critique: I think more people should eat these spices because they my enhance your health and keep you healthy. I will say however, I would not have expected those spices to be able to do all those things to help you stay healthy.

Impact: The impact these spices have on the earth is very positive because they help to be healthy and live longer.



Summary: There are three types of snails by habitat, land snail, sea snail, and freshwater snail. Land snails have a shell in their adult stage. The Giant African land snail can be 15 inches from nose to tail and about 1 kilogram. The sea snail Syrinx aruanus can get to be 35 inches and 18 kg. Snails are full of protein and that’s why people like to eat them.

Critique: My thoughts on snails are not negative; I’ve never had a bad incident with them. They don’t affect me, but I know they affect the world around be.

Impact: The Impact a snail has on the world is neutral and positive because they don’t affect the world other than in the food chain

Alzheimer's damage reversed by deep brain stimulation


Summary: Shrinkage of the brain can be reversed with people with Alzheimer’s disease by jolting the degenerating tissue with electrical impulses. More than that, doing this reduces physical downfall associated with the disease. Andres Lozaho at Toronto western hospital in Ontario and his team put electrodes into the brains of six people, who had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at least a year earlier. They paced them next to the fornix, which is a bundle of newtons that carries signals to and from hippocampus. Then, they delivered tiny pulses of electricity 130 times a second. Later tests showed that the reduced use of glucose by the temporal lobe and posterior had been reversed in all six people.

Critique: I think that this was very good because it is a cure for Alzheimer’s. More people get to live longer.

Impact: The impact this has on the world is very positive because more people are surviving and living longer.

Coffee for the body

Ahhh coffee America's favorite drink. Does this ambrosial drink have any side effects? Yes, but it has many positives as well. Coffee is more popular now then it ever was before. This classic drink has kept people up for days at a time, just to get a little work done. Coffee can be a great stress reliever as well as a calming beverage if your drinking decaf of course. Coffee can have many bad effects on the brain as well as the body, and if coffee is getting more popular we need to be informed.

Positives And Negatives

Positives include, more energy for a certain amount of time, stress relief, and nerve calming decaf.

Negatives include, fake energy making the body tired and sleepless at the same time, mind exhaustion, and addiction to caffeine. Fun Fact: caffeine can be as addictive as any other drug you can think of.

The impact of this is simple in a few years if coffee continues to grow in popularity, many people will have strong addictions and weaker minds. that effects the human race greatly.

First Dogs Came from East Asia


Dogs have been man's companion since the beginning of the human race. What many don't know is that they're actually descended from wolfs. Researchers and scientists have known that but have been curious as to what region they were domesticated. New research from Sweden’s KTH Royal Institute found that the earliest evidence of domestication was located in a region south of the Yangtze River in Asia, southern China.

It’s very interesting that dogs are a distant cousin to wolves. It’s ironic that the area that started domesticating dogs now eats them and finds them as a delicacy.

I think this discovery will help researchers to better understand domestication of other animals and where it originated.
Coffee uses for the home

Nowadays everything is for the most part on it’s way to being eco friendly and reusable and recyclable. If you look around on the internet or talk with friends you can find uses for almost anything that’s eco-friendly. Coffee is one of those magical things that has universal uses. Coffee makes a air freshener for everything from your car to fridge. By simply saving your coffee grounds and putting them in small containers you can freshen up any smelly area. Coffee grounds can also be used in gardening. By sprinkling the grounds on the garden you are helping plants grow healthy and strong and as an added bonus, keeping unwanted critters like ants and cats out of your garden.

Impact: Finally people are understanding what it means to be eco-friendly and are also finding safe ways to reuse their products. I hope lots and lots of people learn this trick and start helping the planet heal its self one step at a time.

Coffee uses

Unusual uses for Coffee

When people think of coffee, the first thing that comes to mind is the early morning. After someone has finished their early morning cup of coffee, the old coffee grounds end up in the garbage, but why waste something that has so many good uses. There are many ways to use your old coffee grounds instead of just throwing them away. Coffee grounds are known for their cosmetology uses, but instead of paying hundreds of dollars for something only coffee infused, why don’t you use the coffee grounds and save your self a few bucks. Coffee can be used to exfoliate your skin. This makes a good exfoliater because it gets ride of all the extra dead skin cells and makes your skin tighter and smoother. Coffee grounds can also be used to make your hair shiny and will slightly dye your hair a delicate dark brown.

Impact: This article has good tips to save money and is eco friendly. It is really smart to use coffee grounds for things you would normally spend a few hundred dollars on. If more people used simple esuriently tips like this think how much better our earth would be J

Men = thinking about sex ALL DAY LONG

And the research discredits the persistent stereotype that men think about sex every seven seconds, which would amount to more than 8,000 thoughts about sex in 16 waking hours. In the study, the median number of young men's thought about sex stood at almost 19 times per day. Young women in the study reported a median of nearly 10 thoughts about sex per day.
As a group, the men also thought about food almost 18 times per day and sleep almost 11 times per day, compared to women's median number of thoughts about eating and sleep, at nearly 15 times and about 8 1/2 times, respectively.
The college-student participants carried a golf tally counter to track their thoughts about either eating, sleep or sex every day for a week. Each student was assigned to just one type of thought to record. Before receiving the tally counter, they had completed a number of questionnaires and were asked to estimate how often they had daily thoughts about eating, sleeping and sex.Overall, a participant's comfort with sexuality was the best predictor for which person would have the most frequent daily thoughts about sex.

No painful memories if you dream

The findings offer a compelling explanation for why people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as war veterans, have a hard time recovering from distressing experiences and suffer reoccurring nightmares. They also offer clues into why we dream.

For people with PTSD, Walker said, this overnight therapy may not be working effectively, so when a "flashback is triggered by, say, a car backfiring, they relive the whole visceral experience once again because the emotion has not been properly stripped away from the memory during sleep."

While humans spend one-third of their lives sleeping, there is no scientific consensus on the function of sleep. However, Walker and his research team have unlocked many of these mysteries linking sleep to learning, memory and mood regulation. The latest study shows the importance of the REM dream state.

40% of youth trying to kill themselves

The researchers also found that suicide attempts during childhood and adolescence were linked to higher scores of depression at the time of the attempts, validating for the first time that young adults can reliably recall when they first attempted suicide.

Depression levels were higher at the time of the youths' reported first suicide attempts compared with their peers who had not attempted suicide. And Mazza found an increase in depression scores at the time of the attempt compared with depression scores the year before and after the attempt for the same child.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse funded the study. Other co-authors are Robert Abbott, UW educational psychology professor; and Richard Catalano, director, and Kevin Haggerty, assistant director, of UW's Social Developmental Research Group.

"Guppy Love"

Summary: Guppies in the wild have evolved over at least half-a-million years — long enough for the males' coloration to change dramatically. Yet a characteristic orange patch on male guppies has remained remarkably stable, though it could have become redder or more yellow. Why has it stayed the same hue of orange over such a long period of time? Well guppies have actually changed color over time but the female is most attracted to the orange colored guppy. The orange patches on male guppies are made up of two pigments: carotenoids (which they ingest in their diets and are yellow) and drosopterins (which are red and which their bodies produce). Carotenoids are the same pigments that provide color to vegetables and fruits. Plants produce carotenoids, but animals generally cannot; guppies obtain most of their carotenoids from algae.


Impact: Well now we know why they have stayed orange for the past million years.


Mediterranean Diet And Exercise Can Reduce Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Summary: Sleep apnea can be reduced with daily exercise and consuming Mediterranean foods. Sleep apnea is one of the most prevalent sleep-related breathing disorders with approximately 2-4% of adults experiencing the condition.

Critique: Always knew you had to eat correctly to maintain a lower body-fat ratio.

Impact: This could possitivley influence the eating habits of youths and adults.

Surprising Pathway Implicated in Stuttering

Summary: Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, found that stuttering is caused by mutations in a gene governing not speech, but a metabolic pathway involved in recycling old cell parts. The recycling center, called lysosomes, actually play a part in making people stutter. Lysosomes are cellular organelles that break down waste and cellular debris. They are found in and around the Golgi apparatus. The people who have been tested for stuttering problems all have the same 3 genes mutated therefore causing the stuttering problem. Anyone can have those genes.

Critique: Well since some of my friends have this problem I guess I can tell them what it was caused by.

Impact: Well, I don't know what scientists or people can do about this but I guess it's nice to know that genes are causing the stuttering problem.

Ten Ways to Relieve Stress Naturally


1. Passionflower
2. Message
3. Meditation
4. Exercise
5. Organize your life
6. Eat Healthy
7. Limit Internet/Cell
8. B Vitamins
9. Aromatherapy
10. Sleep

Critique: It’s just something I found that sounds relevantly easy.

Impact: 2011 has been consider the worst year for stress maybe if people tried to lower stress we would all be a lot happier.

Unable to Switch Off From Daily Stresses, People Suffer From 'Sleep Texting'


Summary: This article says that the daily stress some people face might be the reason for a rare disorder called ‘sleep text’. People that do not deal well with daily stress could possible begin sleep texting. People who sleep text send their friends and family text while they are sleeping without knowing what message they had sent.

Critique: This is really interesting to know that in the middle of the night some people are texting while not even knowing. I mean I don’t understand how someone could just not know they are doing something when they are but it would be a good thing to look into.

Impact: I don’t believe this makes much of an impact because this disorder is rare and as far as I know is not harmful to anyone but it’s still cool to know.

Counting Cats

Summary: The Snow Leopards population is decreasing drastically in the Himalayas. The assumption was that there were between 350-500 leopards on the front line of Nepal. The correct number is much fewer but not yet known. The way people are counting is by looking at feces and tracks found in the Himalayas. Since only few have been captured scientists and researchers are worried about the snow leopard going extinct.

Impact: People will be sad the leopards will be gone and it might effect the ecosystem, making its prey population increase.

Critique: Snow leopards are pretty cool and I'm sad they're going extinct.

Genetic Code of First Arachnids Cracked

Summary: An international team of scientists have deciphered the genome of the spider mite. This is the first known genome of arachnids. Since the genome has been deciphered scientists can now make a crop protection from the mites. Spider mites are colonial and they feed on plant juices. They like over 1100 plant species and they plague crops that have tomatoes, corn, cucumbers and strawberries. The way the mite kills the plants is by stabbing the leave and sucking it dry of water. Spider mites get their name from spinning their silk around the leaves so they don't get sun. To conclude, the researchers identified numerous genes involved in detoxification and digestion.

Critique: I'm glad that food crops will be extended longer when theses mites are gone.

Impact: Most people read the title and don't care. I was interested in this because I read the article and realized it actually had something to do with affecting people. It affects us by our crop life being extended.

First Dogs Came from East Asia, Genetic Study Confirms


Well isn’t
this a cool story? So I guess the scientists were board out of their minds and
they wanted to figure out where the first dog came from. So they took a look at
the evolution of dogs and they find out that it came from East Asia. He took a
look and he figured out that the dogs descended from wolves. Where the wolves
are from is the river near there so that’s where he found out where the first
dog was. Now that’s a story worth checking out.


IT was a
cool story to read.



They call it 'guppy love': UCLA biologists solve an evolution mystery

Summary: Guppies in the wild have evolved over at least half-a-million years — long enough for the males' coloration to change dramatically. Yet a characteristic orange patch on male guppies has remained remarkably stable, though it could have become redder or more yellow. Why has it stayed the same hue of orange over such a long period of time?

Impact: This might tone down perky creationist. (Hopefully)

Critic: I hope they find more things to back evolution someday


Snow leopards coming endangered!


So this is starting it with a big surprise.
The Himalayan’s snow leopard is becoming extinct! It is thought that there are
only 300 to 350 leopards up on the mountain. That’s pretty small considering
how big the mountains are. They are known to live on the rugged sides of the mountains.
The scientists are saying that its way too low of leopards on the mountains.
Their trying to find a way to get one and study on it to figure out why their disappearing!


I’m hoping that they figure out why this is
happening. It would be a terrible loss to see those beautiful creatures disappear
from the wild!


It would impact the zoologist and many scientists.
Hopefully they find out the reason.

Tree Frogs Chill out to Collect Precious Water

Tree Frogs Chill out to Collect Precious Water


Summary- Researchers from the Charles Darwin University in Australia studied that tree frogs often plop themselves down outside on cool nights during the dry season in tropical Australia. When they are done they return to their dens. So the researchers decided to designed a series of experiments using real frog dens in eucalyptus trees and artificial ones made from pvc pipe. The researchers wanted to see if the frogs could collect enough moisture through condensation to compensate for what they lost being in the cold. They found that a cold night out the frog has .07 grams of water. However, a frog could gain nearly .4 grams, or nearly 1 percent of its total body weight, in water upon returning to the warm den.

Critique- The frogs hold get a good amount of water. When they go out and about.

Impact- I think that it is amazing what happens with the frogs. They gain weight by adding water to them.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lighten Up Your Favorite Foods


Summary: Many people don’t think they can eat healthy, but they can.  Eating a healthy diet doesn’t mean you can’t eat all the foods you like to eat. For example, many people like baked potatoes and they are very good for you, but they can be unhealthy for them if they add all the other fixings they don’t need.  There are some different condiments that can make their foods healthier.  Instead of using mayo, mustard or BBQ sauce is healthier.  Sugar can be good but it is also bad for you.  Vanilla and spices to tea or coffee can help make it enjoyable, yet healthier.  Herbs and spices are much better than butter and cream sauces.  There are also some other foods that can help keep down the calories.  In place of turkey, beef or pork is a better choice.  Instead of whole eggs, using egg whites will help reduce the calories.  Use whole-grain bread instead of white bread when making a sandwich.  Turkey, chicken, and vegetables are good for sandwiches as well. As we can see, there plenty are good and healthy foods for the body. 

Critique: Not everyone likes to eat healthy but being healthy means to be fit.  It’s okay if we’re not extremely fit, but eating too much junk food or foods that have a lot of calories can harm us.  It is our responsibility to take care of our bodies and eating healthy is a good way to start.

Impact: Living a healthy lifestyle by eating right is a good choice.  While there are lots of great foods out there that taste good, but are technically not the greatest for our body, there are just as many things that taste great, but are healthy for our body.  These things that are healthy are not all going to taste bad. We should be willing to try things once and make a judgment call from there.  With a little discipline, anyone can eat healthy.   

Ozone from Rock Fracture Could Serve as Earthquake Early Warning


For years, researchers have been trying to find a way to predict what at times can be one of Earth’s most dangerous happenings, earthquakes. Researchers discovered that when rocks break from a large amount of pressure, they release ozone. A team of scientists at the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science set up an experiment to measure the amount of ozone released by different types of rock. They found that ozone is only released when exposed to air, so it’s a chemical reaction. The rock rhyolite had the highest level of ozone. Before an earthquake, pressure builds up under the surface causing the rocks to break. If they can find a relation between earthquakes and ozone levels, this could potentially lead to a earthquake warning system.

I think this is very interesting. I had no idea that rocks release ozone, or anything for that matter! I think it’s a great discovery and will hopefully help scientists predict earthquakes.

If this discovery can help scientists predict earthquakes, it will impact the world so much. People will be ready for earthquakes and not as many individuals will die. Earthquakes can be very dangerous and I think we should do everything we can so we’re prepared and not have as many deaths. This would truly save lives.

Ten Fun Sports That Burn Calories


Summary: When you exercise intensively, your body needs more fuel.  The best way to exercise is to do an activity that you love.  The main point is to keep your heart rate up.  The more effort you give, the more calories you lose.  Baseball is a moderate- intensive sport.  You will sweat but will be able to talk.  If you play a great game of Frisbees, you will be able to talk unless you play crazy.  Tennis, swimming, kick ball, racquetball, soccer and basketball are all good ways to lose weight. The harder you play, the more calories you will burn.

Critique: I love these kinds of sports because it not only gives you a work out but it allows you to have fun with your friends and family.  Although I’m not good at very sport, doesn’t mean I can’t play it.  You don’t just have to play these sports or activities; you can play whatever interests your family and friends.

Impact: These sports are fun and are easy to play.  You can also make up your own games so that you and your family can have fun but also having good workout.     


New MRI Technique to Diagnose or Rule out Alzheimer's Disease


Many of us have watched people we know go through Alzheimer’s and have witnessed the effects and difficulties that come with it. We are all aware that it is a disease that at times can be very difficult to diagnose, but what if there was a technique or machine to tell us if a loved one has it for certain? Well, researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania did just that! The new technique is a type of MRI scan called arterial spin labeling (ASL) which measures the changes of a person’s brain function. This is not only a great advancement in medicine, but it’s also less harmful and cost friendly for patients. The old technique, PET, was four times as expensive and exposed the patients to radioactive glucose. The ASL scan shows the patient’s blood flow and glucose levels in the brain as well as the increase or decrease in brain function, which are all contributing factors. When a doctor thinks a patient may have Alzheimer’s they’ll do an additional MRI to check for any other problems, like strokes. With this new technique, they want to add it to the regular routine so they can tell right away if the person has Alzheimer’s or something else.

I think the ASL technique is a great improvement when compared to the PET scan we have used for a very long time. I like it that this new technique is less harmful to patients and cuts the diagnostic process in half. I feel better, as many would probably agree, knowing that others would be diagnosed sooner and would live longer. I want them to be able to have the advantages my loved ones didn’t. It’s a wonderful improvement.

This is a great improvement in medical technology. With the ASL technique, patients will be diagnosed faster and not as much money will be spent. Patients will live longer and will hopefully help pull our economy out of the recession because of how inexpensive it is. This has a wonderful impact in all aspects of the world.

Holiday Heart Syndrome

Summary: December is the peak month for heart attacks. I can understand that because the holidays are often a stressful time. This is also partly due to binge drinking. When people binge drink, they become dehydrated and necessary electrolytes are used up. This can cause the upper chambers of the heart to quiver, as opposed to contracting which they normally do, and then blood pools inside the heart. Then when people sit down for a large meal, their blood pressure shoots up. Sometimes the heart can't handle the strain and goes into cardiac arrest. Binge drinking can be especially harmful for people who only drink around this time of year because it's a shock for their system. To avoid heart attacks, people shouldn't binge eat or drink. People should "pre-hydrate" the day before a large party and have lots of sodium and potassium.

Critique: It's good that this information is out there and hopefully people will use it.

Impact: This article may stop people from binge drinking and prevent them from having heart attacks.
