Tuesday, November 22, 2011

methane on mars


methane is produced by living things. but as far as we know there is no life on mars. so why is there methane on mars? methane is easily blown away by ultra-violate light from the sun so the methane found there must have been produced in the very recent past. some scientists think it could be that there are microbes in the soil producing the methane. no scientists have found distinct evidence that there is life rather they have found clues suggesting that there could be life on mars. also some past evidence against life being on mars has been disproved. for example the two viking landers found no organic compounds in the Martian soil. to find the compounds the rovers heated the soil. recently scientists found a chemical in the soil that will when heated along with organic compounds will destroy the organic compounds. the mars rover that is being sent to look for more proof that life exists is scheduled to launch on Nov. 26 2011.

microbes are not the only thing that could be producing the methane . methane can also be produced by volcanic activity.

life could exist on mars opening a new field off biology: exobiology the study of biology on other planets

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