Sunday, November 27, 2011

Holiday Heart Syndrome

Summary: December is the peak month for heart attacks. I can understand that because the holidays are often a stressful time. This is also partly due to binge drinking. When people binge drink, they become dehydrated and necessary electrolytes are used up. This can cause the upper chambers of the heart to quiver, as opposed to contracting which they normally do, and then blood pools inside the heart. Then when people sit down for a large meal, their blood pressure shoots up. Sometimes the heart can't handle the strain and goes into cardiac arrest. Binge drinking can be especially harmful for people who only drink around this time of year because it's a shock for their system. To avoid heart attacks, people shouldn't binge eat or drink. People should "pre-hydrate" the day before a large party and have lots of sodium and potassium.

Critique: It's good that this information is out there and hopefully people will use it.

Impact: This article may stop people from binge drinking and prevent them from having heart attacks.


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