Monday, November 28, 2011

How To Fight The Cold


Summary: As soon as you start to feel symptoms of having a cold, start drinking water or juice. You should also gargle with salt water because it reduces the inflammation in the back of your throat. Also, keep your nose clean by spraying it. Within the first two hours of starting to feel the symptoms, head to the drug store, have two tablespoons of honey straight up or in tea. Over the next six hours, skip work if you can, stay hydrated, light exercise if your up for it. At the end of the day, eat a healthy dinner to fuel immune system, and the net day you should feel better, but if not then call your doctor!

Critique: I think that these steps would definitely help with the cold before you get a cold.

Impact: The impacts these steps have are positive because they would, hopefully, keep you from getting sick

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