Sunday, November 27, 2011

A dozen fur seals die en route to dolphinarium


Summary: 20 seals were set to arrive at a dolphinarium, an aquarium for dolphins, however only 8 survived the plane ride. The plane left Sakhalin Island in Russia and arrived 1 hour later a the dolphin aquarium with 12 less than they expected. These seals are able to live in low temperature and low food and oxygen environments, which means neither could be the cause of death. Also, there were no traces of any type of infection which eliminated the idea of sickness. Veterinary experts believer the cause of death could only be due to poor transportation conditions. After further investigation, the one who is at fault will be determined.

Critique: This was completely avoidable. The articles says that these huge animals were out into small cages and high temperatures. Really? It doesn't take much to understand that big animals need big cages and cold blooded animals need cool temperatures. This was a completely avoidable mistake and it just proves that someone didn't care enough to make sure these animals were able to survive in these conditions.

Impact: I think this will impact facilities that transport any type of animal. This one situation should wake up any zookeeper or animal transporter. Hopefully, this will correct any other treatments of animals that are unfair and poor. This mistake should help people understand the importance of good transportation conditions for animals.

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