Sunday, September 25, 2011

Some Brain Wiring Continues to Develop Well Into Our 20s


Most think the brain stops developing at adolescents, but it doesn’t until we’re well into our twenties. Medical research was conducted in the Department of Biochemical Engineering at the University of Alberta led by researcher Christian Beaulieu and his PhD student, Catherine Lebel to research this theory. The team scanned the brain of 103 healthy people twice ranging from ages five to thirty-two using a magnetic resonance imaging software. The study found that parts of the brain continue to develop in post-adolescent subjects. In these patients, it showed that the white matter in the brain is still developing well after adolescents. The white matter is wiring of the brain that connects different regions to the frontal lobe which have to do with inhibition, high level functioning, and attention. From this we can infer that these connections strengthen as we become adults. The researchers think this is due to new challenges young adults face such as college, starting a career, and developing independence and new relationships. Another observation they made is that the connections in the brain were actually reducing in some individuals which is associated with the brain degrading. They feel that this should be studied further so we have a better understanding and a distinguished line between psychiatric disorders and brain structure. Humans are always growing and learning every day. I wonder if the world will develop more challenges which would cause the brain to never stop developing?

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