Friday, September 9, 2011

Cell Destuction

Blog 3
Summary: It would appear we've come up with yet another reason that the human race just needs to sit down and enjoy the sunset. Scientists have shown studies that stress can play a part in damaging cells. To actually see if this could even be true, they took mice and combined them with an adrenaline-like compound that affects the beta adrenergic receptor. Robert J. Lefkowitz claims that, "This could give us a plausible explanation of how chronic stress may lead to a variety of human conditions and disorders, which range from merely cosmetic, like graying hair, to life-threatening disorders like malignancies," Lefkowitz said. It can cause greying of the hair and shorten your life.
Critique: I think that this is pretty believeable, considering that overly stressed people don't have as much pleasure in life and don't really know how to enjoy the small things. But then again, science changes all the time, new theories appear that disprove old ones, so perhaps this is untrue. Still, this is an interesting statement, that makes sense and is still being studied.
Impact: This could coerce people to maybe just relax and lighten up and enjoy life and perhaps even make life a little bit better. Of course, if you really believe that this destroys the cells.

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