Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Is human combustion possible?

Summary: Human combustion is usually when people set themselves on fire on purpose. There have been possibly thousands of cases, however, where there was no particular reason for the fire. It just . . . happened.
You may have heard of a case involving a Mrs. Mary Reeser who was burned alive on her couch. When the coroner came to inspect her body, the burn marks were nowhere else to be found except the area surrounding her chair, such as a small table. Her son, who had visited her before leaving, testified that she had been smoking, and taking numerous sleeping pills while wearing flammable nightclothes. Now, I know what you’re thinking: She OD’d and accidentally lit herself on fire. Bzzt, WRONG. That’s what the coroner said. Don’t ask me what his analysis was – I’m not a coroner – but he thinks that the cigarette wasn’t the cause of the fire. He didn’t give elaborate details of his theory.

Critique: I don’t think it can happen physically, because the physics of it is impossible. What was also interesting was the trend of these spontaneous combustions: elderly or infirm people set on fire more often than not.

Impact: Well, we don’t want people bursting into flames mid-sentence, but there’s really no way we can stop it. For the most part, it’s like believing in an alien invasion. SURE it could happen, but will it really? Shaky words from attention deprived witnesses are the only “proof” we have. Usually what is believed to be paranormal activity is either a joke – otherwise known as FAKE – or a frequent activity that was mistaken for an infrequent activity.

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