Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pima County Confirms 3 West Nile Cases

Summary- In the part week Pima County health officials say that they have confirmed at least 3 cases of West Nile Virus in the past week with other possible cases still under investigation. This virus can be transmitted to animals and humans through the bite of a mosquito that has previously bitten an infected bird. The Symptoms of West Nile Virus usually start 3 to 14 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito and may include headache, fever, fatigue, body aches, a skin rash or swelling of the lymph nodes. Most people that are infected with this virus never experience any symptoms or have a mild illness that goes away on its own, is what the Health officials claim.
Critique- I never knew that a sick, infected bird could give a tiny mosquito the power to infect whatever it bites next. It's definately going to make me a lot more cautious about mosquitoes. But considering that we don't have a lot of them in the dusty, dry areas of Arizona I'm not as concerned. It makes me wonder how they treat something like this.
Impact- People may become more aware and conscience of mosquitoes, and when they get bitten by one. So they might start to where a lot more bug spray, which in turn would make the bug spray sales go up.

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