Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Weight loss pills- don't work

An Oregon State University researcher reviewed the body evidence around weight loss supplements, that claim they help you loose weight. Sorry for all those who are looking for the pill that will help you loose weight and keep it off, cause it doesn’t exist. Dr. Manore looked over the hundreds of weight loss supplements and found that not one of them showed any significant weight loss results. 
The only impact that this discovery leads to is that people who are looking for the magic weight loss pill will not find one. This forces people to get into a gym or outside and work out. It is a huge problem in the United States because people are lazy and don’t want to get in shape. 
I think that if the word gets out there about this discovery then people will stop trying to find ways other than working out or getting active. I personally feel that all these discovery’s on finding a new and lazy way to loose weight it just an excuse for getting in shape. 


1 comment:

  1. This really doesn't surprise me at all. You can't lose weight just by taking a pill. People need to make smarter lifestyle decisions about what they put in their bodies and exercising. People seem to forget that people come in all different shapes and sizes, even if they exercise the same amount and eat the same foods. The risks of those pills are also scary. It's really hard to lose weight, but it's possible and definitely worth the effort.
