Thursday, March 15, 2012

Overeating? Maybe You're Burned Out at Work


Summary: A new study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition involved 230 working women. The women that were stressed or experiencing "burnout" at the beginning of the experiment were more likely to eat emotionally or uncontrollably than the women who weren't stressed. This stayed the same even after 12 months. This study has left experts encouraging people to confront their burnout instead of turning to food. Food isn't the issue. Instead of being eaten for physiological reasons, it's for psychological reasons.

Critique: I feel like the results of this experiment were obvious before it was even conducted. Lots of people are emotional eaters who eat when they're stressed or sad. However, there are people who eat less when they're stressed or sad. I think they should do a further experiment about effective ways to stop emotional eating.

Impact: Hopefully this will cause people to think about why they're eating. Are they really hungry or are they trying to find a way to deal with stress?

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