Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Most Weight Loss Pills Noneffective

Summary: Just as the Title says, most weight loss pills are noneffective. The key to good nutrition and keeping the weight off is exercise. Pills have been proved to cause from gas to heart problems and strokes. Pills do not help! If you are looking to keep off weight and get lean and fit, eat nutritious foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meat.

Impact: I find this very interesting because people are so oblivious to what these pills actually do and why they are not helpful. Maybe people will stop using them.

Critique: The article states that you should have a low-calorie diet, but this is false. If you work out and exercise very often you want to have a higher calorie diet so that you can burn off those calories during exercise. If you are not very active, a lower calorie diet should suffice.


  1. Great blog! I believe the same you do with regards to the natural way to staying healthy by exercising and eating right. Also, a normal 2,000 calorie diet should be efficient for the average person if they are healthy and work off some of that energy with an active lifestyle.

    Good criticism on the article, too! It's good to add your opinion to your work. Something else I want to throw out there is that you never know if advertisements are telling the truth about their product. Looking into medication could prevent you from some of the horrible effects like heart problems.

  2. Good blog Alex! Your article is true. There are many different ways to lose weight and to stay healthy. More and more people are trying to lose weight because more people are self councious on what they put in their bodies. The normal amount of calories that people are suppose to consume is really about 1500 to. 2000 calories a day. Thats the average. You don't have to take pills and all the stuff , you can work it off by exercising and working out. If you are consuming more food than your suppose to then that means you have to work harder. I also like your criticism on your blog, good job!
