Friday, October 28, 2011

The World That Ended in 5,813,726,290 A.D (Otherwise known as The Future)

Summary: In a new study involving space simulations, the possibility that Earth may collide with Venus, Mars, or Mercury has arisen again. Even though Mercury is small, it poses the biggest threat. There is a one percent chance that Mercury’s orbit will change so drastically, but I guess it is still a chance if it is a percentage.

Impact: Well, it’s the same old thing. The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Only the sky isn’t falling, it’s collapsing in on itself because a planet got out of its orbit somehow and rammed into the Earth, thereby forcing the human race into extinction, and the other life aside from humans into extinction as well. Because let’s face it, this would hurt. A lot. So, I guess Chicken Little was pretty off. My point is that every day scientists find yet another reason to scare us with stories of world combustion. Nice try guys, but after nearly 62 tries to accomplish this very goal, we have gradually become smarter. The world won’t end for another few millennia! HA!

Critique: Well, I will be dead by then, and not to be insensitive, but better them than me. I’ll be dead; what will I care? But what keeps bothering me is the fact that it is predicted at all. The thing is, if scientists had any doubts about anything regarding the end of the world, they would probably decide it’s best to tell the public. I think they figure that people would rather not die against their will, and so should keep our hope alive by saying ‘this may never happen, but we want to know what would happen if it were to happen at all.’ IT’s great that we’ll get discoveries that will change everything on the planet forever, and I am truly excited, but here is the problem: we will be gone. Poof. Nobody survives a collision of this caliber without a circumstantial mess. And if I know anything about science, it is that anything can happen. But if the world ends tomorrow, as I say this, I will laugh in my grave.,2933,525706,00.html

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