Monday, October 3, 2011

Robot Brain is Tested on Lab Rat

Summary: Scientists have created a new robotic brain! Woo! I guess we all knew someday robotics would weasel their way into human systems sooner or later. It was only tested on a rat on October 3, 2011, which is today, so it is an EXTREMELY new concept.
So far, all they have gotten it to do is blink on command, but scientists are working around the clock to try to get it to do more things, like eat and walk via remote. It still does these things on its own, without the remote, but as I mentioned before, the artificial brain is still fairly new with plenty of room to grow into its potential.

Critique: I didn’t think of this: Mind control. Say some twisted scientist got his hands on this device and began implanting them in people’s heads without their knowing. It’s supposed to be a chip, right? Then, when he feels like he’s got enough people, he will enslave all mankind, and control the world! So I guess it could be a bad thing when looked at a certain way.

Impact: This may be extremely helpful for people with things like brain cancer or head tumors. Now, I’m no scientist, but I don’t know if perfecting something like this will take a long time or not. I mean, it’d be great if they had invented a way to do this for humans without risking the life of someone. Of course, if they were on their death bed, who are they to say no to a life-changing experiment that involves their brain?

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