Friday, October 28, 2011

Thinking is Bad!

Summary: Bet you never thought you would hear this from someone, right? But according to a new study, people are less inclined to give in to temptation if they think about it. The more you ponder it, the worse it gets. Instead of thinking about the reasons you should and/or shouldn’t do something just puts more stress and pressure on the mind, making your judgment a bit foggy.

Critique: What tempts me? I would have to think about that one. The opposite gender is out, because as far as I’m concerned, boys still have cooties. I don’t like cars or other engineering things like that. Maybe food . . .? I am a sucker for chocolate, so I guess that’s a temptation, but what do I know? Everyone likes chocolate, right?

Impact: Many people who do things like drink or do drugs or smoke or all of the above don’t think on a regular basis. I don’t care if people call that statement mean, because it is the truth. They got where they are by their own accords, and if they were stupid enough in the first place to do something like that, then it’s their own fault entirely. Temptation is all in the mind, and the way to stop that is by not thinking about doing stuff like cheating on your wife, or eating more than you should, etc. Nobody is stopping you from pushing yourself away. There is scientific proof. Anyone who says otherwise is only fooling themselves.

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