Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lab-made skin cells will aid transplantation, cancer, drug discovery

Lab-made skin cells will aid transplantation, cancer, drug discovery


Summary- These cells called pigmented melanocytes absorb ultraviolet light, protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. They also are the cells that go crazy in melanoma, as well as in more common conditions as vitiligo and albinism. Now at labs melanocytes from adult skin doesn’t grow very well in the lab. Now at the University of Pennsylvania they have found a way to create melanocytes from a mouse tail cells using embryonic stem cell intermediates called inducible pluripotent. This is used in a lab according to XU cocktail growth factor. This cell thing can be used for aiding. There are pig skin cells which can regrow if you lost like a finger.

Critique- Is this really safe to do. What are the side effects, are there any side effects to this

Impact- It would help a lot to have help for the aid for the cancer. But if it was out to help cancer would it cost a lot to aid for the cancer that they have been studying on.

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