Friday, October 28, 2011

New Planets and a Mystery Object!

Summary: Astronomers have confirmed that there are some new planets in a different galaxy, including the Mystery Object. Let me start here: The Sun is a star. The Earth revolves around the Sun. In fact, every planet revolves around some kind of star, whether it commands a whole orbit or a single planet. The Single Planet Scenario, as I like to call it, is what is happening here. These are different planets than the ones that are with us in orbit. They each have their own star. The Single Planet Scenario only happens here from what we can tell right now. All we can do is put some boring label on them (HD 240237) and wonder if there is another Single Planet Scenario out there.

Critique: Astronomers say that our own Sun may die on us in a few billion years. Did you know that a star can die? I sure didn’t. That’s why when I first heard about this, I was extremely skeptical. Because how does a star even die, anyway? That’s a disappointment both astronomically speaking. (It’s also a disappointment metaphorically speaking, but goodness knows that is another story.) And honestly, as long as it doesn’t interfere with our orbit (which it won’t) or crash into the Earth or the Sun or something else important (which isn’t even possible) we’ve got nothing to worry about from these new things – mysterious and otherwise.

Impact: Astronomers say that they will know what the Mystery Object is in the next few years. They have to chart the orbit and the location and all the other fun stuff that comes from looking in a telescope all day.

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