Monday, February 27, 2012

Resurrected mammoth blood

Studies conducted by an elite group of international scientists brought back to life the primary component of mammoth blood by examining ancient DNA preserved in bones from the Siberian specimens about 25,000 to 43,000 years old. The Siberian mammoth was able to adapt to cool and extreme conditions in the harsh Arctic to minimize heat loose."It has been remarkable to bring a complex protein from an extinct species, such as the mammoth, back to life," says Professor Alan Cooper, Director of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA. Scientists have now been able to uncover physiological attributes of this animal that lived over thousands of years ago. Though it look seven years to accomplish the final result was worth it. 
Because of this amazing discovery scientists are now able to study and measure how these animals operated if they were still alive today."We can now apply similar approaches to other extinct species, such as Australian marsupials," says team member Dr Jeremy Austin. Dr. Austin is now conducting an experiment that uses ancient DNA to study the evolution of the Thylacine and Tasmanian Devil. 
I thought this article was factual and interesting, but was not an article that would interest me into reading more. The article was interesting to the point where it explained how this discovery would help scientists find more information on this mammal. Overall I thought that the article was a interesting. 


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