Sunday, February 12, 2012

How the Zebra Got Its Stripes

Resource: Summary: Researchers from Hungary have recently been looking at how Zebras' got their stripes. They have concluded that since blood sucking insects like the Horseflies that carry disease and are just plain out nasty, are the reason why Zebras have stripes. These insects are attracted to horizontal patterns due to the way water is, where they mate and lay their eggs. So the researchers wanted to see exactly what they liked and if they liked the coat or a zebras pattern. They got different patterns, like stripes going up and stripes going horizontal and then the zebras pattern. They got that the Horseflies liked the horizontal the best and the zebra coat only attrackted a few. These insects also like the darker coats on animals then the lighter colors, and zebras first start out in the whomb a dark color and then they get their white stripes before being born. Therefore these researchers believe that, that is why the Zebra came out with that type of coat pattern. Critique: This article was very interesting to learn about and i would recommend anyone to read it, if they are interessted in how Zebras got their stripes. Impacts: This doesn't really have any impact on humans but it does on Zebras, due to the fact that they are not attrackted to horseflies as much as other animals that have stripes that are going horizontal or animals that are in a darker shade of color.

1 comment:

  1. I thought this article was very interesting. The fact that scientists can try to predict how an animal can gets their stripes is amazing to me. I also thought it was crazy that they could tell by the horse flies. Who knew that they have a stripe preference? I loved how you talked about the baby Zebras in the womb. It doesn't seem like that would be possible, but the order in which they receive their stripes is interesting.

    I do have a few ideas that would also be interesting to find out. I think it would be interesting to go deeper into the formation of Zebras in the womb and also how the horseflies eyesight work, just to see why they prefer horizontal stripes.
