Monday, February 13, 2012

Can Green Tea Prevent Types Of Cancer?

Can Green Tea Prevent Types Of Cancer?
Summary: Some scientists from Britain and Spain are saying that green tea is able to help prevent some types of cancer.  Both scientists found out that there is something in green tea called EGCG.  EGCG seems to help prevent cancer cell growth by inhibiting dehydroflate reductase and by inhibiting a particular enzyme.  Green tea five times more EGCG than regular tea.  But scientists are still trying to find out how much green tea you need to drink.  But for pregnant women, drinking green tea is good for the baby.  It is good for the baby because takes away the risk of the newborn having spina bifida. 

Critique: I never have had green tea before.  A lot of people say it is good.  And after reading this article, I think I am going to try out green tea and see how I like it. 

Impact: If you’re a pregnant woman, then drink green tea to help keep your newborn healthy and safe.  And for those people that have never had green tea before, try it.  It is worth a try.        


  1. wow never thought tea could do that.

  2. What is Spina Bifida? That's pretty cool. I heard one time that whatever the mom eats when she is pregnant that's what the baby will end up liking. I'm not too sure that's true, but if it is then I guess the baby will like green tea and will drink it and then prevent cancer hahaha! I've never tried green tea either. People with cancer really should drink some more tea then I guess! I mean if it helps anyways ;)
