Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How a Parent's Education Can Affect Someone's Job Or Salary

Summary: Researchers have found that the higher education someone’s parent has, the less likely their child is to have mental health issues when they’re an adult. They also found that it may be due to the fact that parents with a higher education are more likely to have kids with more education and superior salaries themselves.

Critique: Well, my parents were teachers when I was born, and I turned out fine! I don’t know, I mean, my mom always says tat I’m smart because she was teaching every day she was pregnant with me. She was only off of work when she was in labor. They people in the article said that “the children don’t get to choose where they’re from”. Well, that may be true, but no matter where they’re from, they always have the choice to go the right way or the wrong way. I mean, you might be getting paid a lot from being a doctor or from being a drug dealer. You’re still getting paid the same thing, but it’s not necessarily the better thing to be doing if you’re a drug dealer. Also, you have to be smart to be a doctor, whereas to be a drug dealer – this is quite awkward to talk about – and not get caught, you have to be clever. So, in conclusion, if you got parents with a good education, you may or may not get a higher paying job than someone who was born in a bad neighborhood but is very clever and could easily get a good job if they commit themselves.

Impact: I’d already suspected this – as did everyone else, I’m sure – but NOW they’ve actually got PROOF. This means it’s no longer a theory. This is a bit of old news because it’s been going on for 29 years and they’ve only just gotten a conclusion.

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