Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ways to Prevent Cancer


Summary: Dr. Thomas A. Sellers, PhD has done some research on cancer prevention in small, but effective ways. You can easily fit them into your everyday life. One of the strategies you can use to prevent cancer is to drink caffeine everyday. According to a couple of researchers, "A 5-cup-a-day coffee habit reduces the risks of oral and throat cancer. Another important way to prevent cancer is to reduce cell phone use. Apparently, cell phones emit radio frequency energy which can possibly go to your brain, but the evidence that cell phones increase brain cancer risk is not consistent or conclusive. The 20th way to prevent cancer is to drop 10 pounds. Being overweight or obese can increase your risk of getting cancer.

Critique: In my opinion, many people who have cell phones (mostly teenagers) have a high risk of getting cancer. Like, especially teens because most of us can't really be away from our phones for more than 2 minutes. Not even 2 minutes. I don't really understand how drinking caffeine can help reduce your risk of getting cancer. Doesn't coffee stunt your growth? Imagine a lot of people being really hyper because they drink 5 cups of coffee every single day. But, overall I think that the ways to prevent cancer is helpful.

Impact: These ways can help people prevent cancer. If they use these ways in their everyday lives, maybe not that many people will have cancer, which could possibly lower the death rate. Then, everyone will be all happy and healthy.

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