Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cecilia the boa constrictor

Cecilia was a strange boa constrictor not like the others. Cecilia didn’t like to eat what the other boa constrictors ate. Cecilia didn’t like to live where the other boa constrictors lived. Cecilia didn’t like to look like what the other boa constrictors looked like. Cecilia seemed to be a breed of her own. Cecelia needs to understand that she is a boa constrictor and that’s what she will always be.

Cecelia did not be any means like to eat what the other boa constrictors ate. The other boas were eating large lizards, small birds, opossums, bats, mongooses, rats, and squirrels. Not Cecelia though she only ate the finest caviar at the finest rainforest café’s. Even though the other boas hunted during the night using their scales which are heat sensitive to locate their prey. Cecilia made reservations at restaurants; she was not at all like the others.

Cecilia did not like to live where the other boa constrictors lived. Boa constrictors live in wet tropical rainforest as well as the open savannah. Cecilia much prefers the beaches of Hawaii. Boa constrictors prefer 70-80 degree weather and high humidity. Although, Cecelia prefers it much colder than 70 degrees and low humidity. Boa constrictors prefer the warmth they obtain this warmth by sun bathing or burrowing under the rainforest floor. Cecelia is not like the others.

Cecelia does not like to look like the other boa constrictors either. She likes to where a pink feather boa designed by only the top rainforest designers. The other boas are typically pinkish or tan with dark patterns. Boas can range from about 2 feet to 13 ft. The largest boa ever reported was 18 feet long. Cecelia is a small 1 foot and she works to stay that way she believes that smaller is better. Boas have heat sensitive scales that they use for hunting at night. Cecelia is not like the other boas.

Cecelia is not like the other boas she is different, higher maintenance. She does not like to eat what the other boa constrictors like to eat. She does not like to live where the other boa constrictors live. Cecelia does not even like to look like what the other constrictors look like. Cecelia is different but is different such a bad thing. Maybe standing out is better than being normal. Maybe we all should learn something from Cecelia and not be afraid to be different.


1 comment:

  1. Nice creativity, Aly, good weaving solid facts with a moral story.
