Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Virus attacks childhood cancers


            Recently researchers found a virus from the same family as the rabies virus to fight a form of cancer found in children and young adults. They reported finding this virus in September 2011 issue of the journal of virology.
            Cancer that develops in soft tissues called sarcomas. It connects, supports, or surrounds other structures and organs of the body. Other types of tissues are Muscles, tendons, fibrous tissues, fat, blood vessels, nerves, and synovial tissues. Recent research has found a rhabdovirus, which is the same family as rabies, researchers found that it seeks out and destroys cancerous tumors. Overall researchers find that this virus may be able to fight a form of cancer found in children or young adults.

            Researchers should study this virus more and see if after destroying the cancerous tumors would affect anything else in the body. Having everyone with this cancer and knowing of this treatment would want it to work so they could live a much longer healthy life. If they say it is going to work they would need more information on this virus to comfort the patient whos getting the treatment.
I feel this virus could save the lives of many children or young adults. This virus could help with future research on curing cancer in many people of all ages. Having this treatment could affect the lives of many families, and even the world population of keeping people alive for a longer time.

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