Wednesday, February 8, 2012

temperatures are record high for january 2012

Summary: January of 2012 is very warm in the US, but Alaska is vert cold. Throughout January, most of US experienced warmer than average temperature, and below average precipitation. These stats were reflected by the lack of snow shown in Northern Plains, Midwest, and Northeast. The average US temperature for January is 36.3 F., which is 5 Degrees above the 1901-2000 average. This is the fourth warmest January on record, and 2012 is the warmest since 2006. The average precipitation across the nation is 1.85 inches, and 2012 is 0.37 inches below the average. (varied between regions)
Impact: This impacts us because most of the country is experiencing warmer climates and LESS precipitation, which can be bad for us and can affect the species that live in these climates. the picture shows which states are affecting above normal temperatures, it includes AZ.
Critique: I like rain so this sucks. I have noticed AZ is experiencing lower rainfall averages then normal in my opinion. I like warmth because I hate winter, but it can also be a sign of global warming. I don't think this news is good.

1 comment:

  1. This is interecting because living in AZ you wouldn't notice this kind of stuff. But even in Chicago I was told that it did not snow like it usually does. This seems especially bad for AZ because this state is already dry and has a low percipitation rate, but this may drop it even lower.

    I personally do not believe in global warming and the world ending this year. But this is definately some aignificant information for the scientists that believe in all that global warming and 2012 stuff
