Sunday, February 12, 2012

Are Twitter, Facebook More Addictive Than Smoking?


Summary- Researchers at the University of Chicago claim that social media is harder to resist than alcohol or even cigarettes. Can Facebook and Twittter be that addictive? Researchers believe that like alcohol and cigarettes, there can be a long-term effects of an addiction to social media.

Critique- I don't have a Twitter, but I know for a fact that Facebook it addictive. Now that you can have the Facebook and Twitter apps of your phone, you can have access to it at any time during the day. Facebook has games and a bunch of stuff that just keeps your attention for numerous hours at a time. So I would say that I agree a hundred percent with these researchers in Chicago.

Impact- This impacts anyone and everyone that has a Facebook and Twitter. Some may not be obsessed with checking their social media things 24/7, but there are people that can't go an hour with out checking their Twitter and Facebook. So I guess there are new addictions in the world now.

1 comment:

  1. I do have to agree that social media can be addicting and that it can steal our attention away from other more important things. Our generation is becoming more and more attracted to the things of this world. Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr,and Intagram are all examples of media that can be a distraction when used too much. Our world is becoming something that replys so much on technology. Everywhere we go there is always something. With almost all social media on our phones and ipods and other devices makes it very easy for us to always access these.
    I do agree that they can be attention grabbers and that some people are more "obsessed" than others. However, I do not agree that they can be as addicting as smoking or any drug for that matter. Drugs have things in them which make them addictive and it takes a lot to be able to overcome them, while people can control how much they use social media. Like smoking and other drug addictions there are level of severities with people who are so called "addicted" to social media. I think it is opinion whether or not social media is as addictive as smoking or even more.
