Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Iridium and its interesting facts

Iridium and its status and facts

Summary- The atomic number of it is 77. Its abbreviation is IR. It is a very hard but a brittle texture with a silvery white color to it. It is also a transition metal. It is apart of the platinum family. Iridium is also the second densest metal, first one is osmium. It is also the most corrosion resistant metal there is. If you raise its temperature even to 2000 Celsius it will still not melt or corrode. It is located normally in the earths crust and it is also one of the few rare elements also. It can sometimes be found in asteroids or meteors which are also the main reason why we have such a rare abundance of it on earth.

Critique- it is very hard to bend and almost impossible to break which can be used for things like rockets and other things that can be endured to that much heat and not melt. This would possible be my favorite metal on the periodic table also.

Impact- It can be used in society and space for high amount of heat tests and it won’t melt and we can still get the reading of certain materials below 2000 Celsius.

Reference- Google web pages (just search iridium).

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