Monday, February 20, 2012

Can't poop in a public place? Click Here!


Summary: It's a common phobia to go poop in a public restroom. But honestly, no one is paying attention to you (unless you are being REALLY distracting) So, choose the farthest stall, listen to your iPod, and breathe deeply. It will help you relax, and you can go to the bathroom in peace. However if this phobia is making you stop going regularly (causing constipation) talk to a theripist. They can help you with this problem.

Critique: HAHAHA, I can't believe they actually made an article of this! Sure it's awkward to go number 2 in a public restroom, but to be deathly afraid of it? That's a little overboard, if you ask me. HAHA.

Impact: All those people who read this can now go #2 in peace. :) Hahaha!

1 comment:

  1. phobias are strange things, although this one i can partially understand. once i went in a bathroom, but the maker seemed to not be up to date with current standards, and lacked a certian technology, known as "the door". In that case i decided not to go but in general i dont get it. Also, my mom has a phobia of blimps. i dont get that either. she claims that she was most likely a hindenburg passenger in a past life. myself, i would like to believe i was a flying squirrel.
