Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bug-sized flying robots

Resource: Summary: Researchers have recently been looking at how animals fly and trying to make robots the size of a bug that can fly. Though before they can get these robots to fly they have to look at how an isect moves their wings, turns and monuvers. So a man named Lin descided that he was going to look at a butterfly with a video camera that can shoot 3,000 one-megapixel images per second. He found out that butterflies flap their wings about 25 times per second, and a lot of other interesting things about how a butterfly moves that a human could not see with a naked eye. Lin will be looking at other smaller insects to see how they move their wings and try his hardest to make an even smaller flying robot. Impact: The impact this article has isnt very big because I do not know what people are going to do with tiny flying robots but if they make them good enough we could use them for several amount of things. Critique: This article was very interesting to read i would recommend it to anyone that wants to read about something interesting, though i dont really understand the point of it, it was just something fun to read about.

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