Saturday, October 8, 2011

How did the world get water?

Summary: There are many theories on how the world got water. Any priest will tell you that God flooded the Earth of humankind off of the face of the planet to clear their sins, and He’s going to do it again soon, so watch out. Many Philosophers will tell you that water is only sustenance and what does it matter where it came from so long as we have it now? Scientists are still trying to agree on one that can satisfy both priests and skeptics alike. However, they have come up with yet another theory: comets. Because comets are made up of rock, ice, gas, and dust. All of these things are on Earth, no matter what form they take, so it would be accurate to assume that comets are at least part of why we have water.

Critique: This is interesting. I’m not a priest or a philosopher, and I’m only skeptical on things that can’t be physically proved. In short, I don’t care whether or not the water I drink is Comet Water, as long as it’s not fatal to my health. I just thought it was a cool thing that they thought of.

Impact: There’s really no impact, because it is just a theory. It is my opinion that all it will ever be is a theory because time machines haven’t been made yet. Also, trying to please everyone in the United States with what you say is very, very hard. Impossible, actually. (This is why I pity Barack Obama.) Whether they like it or not, scientists will be debating forever, because chances are that someone, somewhere, has a problem with your theory, no matter how easy it may be to believe.

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