Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Surprising Heart Attack Risks


Summary: Low HDL (good cholesterol) is the third strongest predictor of coronary events according to a study of nearly 7,000 people led by a reasearcher at Indiana University. Any infection can make your odds of having a heart attack 5 times higher during the three days after the diagnosis because infections can bring on an inflammatory response that can trigger aheart attack or stroke. Kidney problems, along with exposure to traffic can double your risk of a heart attack. Calcium supplements, stopping aspirin, prostate cancer treatment, psoriasis, and even relationship issues can make your risk of a heart attack even higher.

Critique: I'm surprised that relationship issues were included in this list because I didn't really think it would affect people that much. I also didn't think that exposure to heavy traffic could affect you either. I think it's good that they're researching more so we can lower the number of people suffering from heart attacks every year.

Impact: If more and more people read this article and are more aware of the dangers and risks of getting a heart attack, then they would probably take extra precautions. And the number of people suffering from heart attacks every year would probably go lower.

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