Friday, January 27, 2012

Tiny Crooners: Male House Mice Sing Songs to Impress the Girls

Resource: Summary: Researchers from Vienna have recently found that male mice can sing, but since their voices are in the ultra sonic range humans can't hear them. So these researchers used high tech stuff to see if they could hear anything and it turns out that they found a lot of cool things. Male mice sing to atrack female mice and each male mouse has their own type of song. The males that can sing in wider ranges seem to atrack more females and the ones that don't sing in wide ranges don't seem to atrack as many females. Also the females can tell if some of the mice are her siblings or not because the brothers all have pretty similar voices, therefore the females can tell when they hear a male thats not related to them. Critique: This article was very cool because i would have never thought that male mice sing to atrack female mice, let alone even sang! I enjoyed reading this article and i would recommend it to anyone that likes to read about mice or wants to know a couple of new interesting facts. Impact: This doesn't really have an impact it was just something really cool to learn about.

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