Wednesday, December 14, 2011

No-eyed Children

Scientists at Dublin, Ireland have found a genetic alteration in which children are born with no eyes. This is called anophthalmia. This occurs when a child's eyes have not fully developed in the womb when their STRA6 gene (both copies) does not produce enough vitamin A. This means that scientists can now develop a test for couples who might carry this gene and plan to have a child. If this is found out between the couple they can dicuss the precautions about having a child or about their present children. "Anophthalmia (absence of one or both eyes), and its sister conditions microphthalmia (small eye) and coloboma (malformed eye), arise during the development of the baby in the womb." These 3 major issues account for 11% of all eye problems in children. Anophthalmia occurs in 1 in 100,000 births. The other two occur in 1 in 10,000 births. They can also be associated with lung, heart, diaphram malformations and other birth defects.

After reading this I feel sorry for all of the people out there with this defect and others with the potential to have a child with this defect. Some people might not be able to have children or might be too afraid to have a child with this birth defect. Also so people's lives could be ruined because of this. I wish they could prevent this from happening. It's terrible really, I couldn't live without seeing the world and even some blind people could see before but lost their sight. These children could never see. They will never look as we do as well.

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