Monday, September 5, 2011

Caffeine Buzz May Be All in the Mind, UK Reasearchers Say


Summary- You know when you get that jittery feeling when you drink caffeinated coffee or any kind of drink? Well researchers at the University of East London say that it may be just a mental thing. There were 88 volunteers, their ages varied from 18-47. They drank at least 2 cups of coffee a day for the research. Those who consumed caffeinated drinks reacted slower than those who consumed a decaffeinated drink. "The findings suggest the expectation of having consumed caffeine confers an enhancement on sustained attention that is at least comparable, and perhaps superior to, the effects of caffeine," the researchers wrote in the journal Appetite.

Critique- I think that this is true mostly because if I'm tired and need to stay up late, I'll drink something with caffeine in it. But I never feel any different than I did before I ever drank the caffeine. I think its mostly mental, due to the fact that if you really believe in something then you trick your mind into believeing it too. It's like when you get a shot, and you think its going to hurt, but if you really believed that then yes it will hurt.

Impact- It may affect the way people think of caffeine. People may go from drinking Starbucks in the morning to drinking an energy drink, or a 5 hour energy thing. I don't know how it will affect us. Other than it may affect each individual person in its own way, and some people may not even care.

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