Pollution is a problem that is sweeping the nation, and the problem has been ignored for many
years. But now it is a serious problem that is being addressed. If you look up photos of the ozone
on the internet. It is likely that you will come across something that’s shows you the damage
fossil fuels have cause the ozone in the past few decades. If the world keeps using fossil fuels at
the same rate that it is using it now. Nothing bad will happen in our life time, but are children
may not be as lucky. If a hole is burned into the ozone skin cancer will be a much more common
problem. Another problem involving the atmosphere is global warming. The winters are warmer
and the summers are hotter. This will be a big problem for the next generation. It has already
been considered that if we don’t turn the tables on global warming the polar icecaps will melt in
the future. In twenty five years all of this may not be a problem but in a hundred years this will
be a huge problem for the environment. Species will go extinct and parts of earth will be
Label critique and impact.