Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Chewing Gum Can Stimulate Weight Loss!

Summary: Don’t get too excited guys. This method won’t take 20 pounds off your body, but it will help you to feel less hungry because of a hormone called human PYY. Whether you’re eating or exercising, this hormone is released into the bloodstream. PYY levels increase the more calories you take in. And apparently people who are obese have lower PYY than people who aren’t. PYY is just something that makes the body register that you’re full. As it turns out, PYY can be delivered to the body orally, but the problem is that your body will not recognize the hormone and start attacking it. This is where the chewing gum comes in handy. The vitamin B12 can be combined safely with PYY and because the body knows B12, the PYY can transfer through uninjured by white cells.

Critique: I personally love to chew gum, but not in the gross-people-out kind of way. Finding out that I could lose weight from it is kind of cool because I never thought chewing gum would be good for anything but entertainment and curing bad breath. I personally would by weight-losing gum, as long as it didn’t taste weird and wasn’t expensive.

Impact: Well, I skimmed one of my fellow classmates’ blog about America getting fatter, and I thought that if everyone lost weight, it would be a very good thing for the world.


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