Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Diamond threaded fish poop!?

Diamonds found in fish poop

Summary- Recently scientists discovered that a type of deepsea fish would poop out condinced carbon. Or in other words diamonds. It is only a small strand like formation. Oddly enough this diamond fecal matter is similar to spider web. it actually is a strand of diamonds that are digested in the fish and is woven into a string like material. The researchers said that "if we can harvest this somewhat rare material and make useful objects out of it such as diamond woven blankets or diamond thread!". But it is still very hard to make and also expensive still.

Critique- Although it is rare i could imagine that it could make things like bullet proof vests or maybe bullet proof windows or something.

Impact- Stronger materials?

1 comment:

  1. Wow now a new fish discovery that is going to go extinct already! Dude like people will wanna captivate these fish so they can take their poop! People would so touch fish poop to get money! Wow what is this world coming to!

    It would be cool if they made woven blankets or bullet proof vests but it would be so expensive! I cant think how this discovery can help man other than like making some items or help us see how the world works more. Nice simple blog, i liked it.
