Friday, April 13, 2012

Can't touch this: unusual venomous creatures

You many already know about some venomous animals like a rattle snake or a black widow spider, but there are some animals you many not expect to have poisons in them. imagine your walking and come across a beautiful bird that's all black and looks as if it wearing and orange shirt. your first instinct maybe to sit and watch the bird, but keep in mind this bright orange color is a warning to you and the other animals that this bird is very venomous. this is none other than the the hooded Pitohuis. of course not all brightly colored birds have venom but this special little bird can and will stop your heart, it even eats toxic beetles. animals although beautiful can kill if consumed.

i thought this article was very informative and interesting. i don't think i will ever come across a hooded Pitohuis, but it was an informative read.

this article will be very helpful to people who hunt exotic birds. just holding the hooded Pitohuis can cause runny nose and itchy eyes. hopefully you don't come in contact with these deadly killers. this is not the only bird with venom, so i wouldn't eat any strange birds.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This was cool to hear. I'm sure, though, that when most people see a pretty bird, their first thought isn't "Yay! Dinner!" and get the gun to shoot it. But I do understand what you're saying because a predator might see the pretty bird and think "Yay! Dinner!" The whole venom thing is a cool defense technique. Many animals use it, but some aren't even poisonous: the colors are just there to scare away predators.

    One of the cool things about venemous animals is that most of them are animals humans wouldn't approach to begin with. Snakes and spiders already have a bad reputation, so what do they need venom for? People, however, like to watch birds because they sing and fly and are beautiful to look at. I wouldn't think they'd be poisonous because they don't have fangs or pincers. Still, once I heard about them eating poisonous beetles, I understood thsat it was the toxins inside the body, not outside, and that only by eating ti would you die. So even birds know about the whole "eye-for-an-eye" thing. How ironical (and cool) is that?!

  3. This is really cool. I don't like birds, but this one sounds pretty. There are a lot of critters out there that have bright colors to warn predators that they are toxic, but I never thought a bird would be one of them! I think that the lesson here is just don't touch wild animals...
