Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Flower Spieces Protections Pit Energy Industry Against Conservationists in Colorado

Summary: There are 3 new wildflower species in Colorado that are on the endangerd list. They are called the Pagosa skyrocket, Parachute beardtounge, and DeBeque phacelia. These flowers are also in the way of getting fuel resources in the Rocky Mountain State. A group that represents the energy industry has told Fox News that the government has come in and said, "We dont care about what the states are doing and what the industry and non profit groups are doing to protect those species." So the people that wanted to get the oil had special scientists go take the flowers some place where they can try and repopulate while the others got the fuels that they needed.
Critique: This was good for the flowers and for the people wanting the fuel because, the flowers can get off the endangered list and people have more fuel resources. In that case they do not have to get it from other countries and can keep their money.
Impact: The 2 impacts are, 1, the flowers can repopulate and stay alive for longer and 2 it saves our planet by giving us oxeygen.

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