Friday, August 19, 2011

Is it possible to prevent heart attacks with just changing the way we eat?


Summary: Dr. Cadwell Esselstyn Jr. was first a general surgeon before he came across a very interesting fact. While researching about cancer, he found that in certain parts of the world, heart disease, AKA the main killer in the western hemisphere, is not a problem. From there he stopped performing surgery and looked into nutrition instead.
Esselstyn claims that drugs will not solve the problem of heart disease because it's not treating the cause.
For over twenty years Esselstyn has been insisting on Americans to have a diet this way- his claim to fame states that you will be "heart attack proof, no matter what your family history is."
The only complication is the diet itself- No dairy, eggs, added oils, or meat.
He has written a book about his diet and he is in a documentary. He has also spoken to people around the world trying to convince them that they will be "heart attack proof."

Critique: To me, it sounds too good to be true. Even if the Esselstyn diet really does work, I know I wouldn't be too happy about giving up meat and dairy foods. I need my icecream, okay?? Haha, just kidding. But meat and dairy play a huge part in a lot of people's diets. The chances of every American doing the Esselstyn diet would be very slim. Even if it saves lives, many of us just don't want to change.

Impact: If the Esselstyn diet really works, hundreds of lives could be saved. But, that's only if they are willing to change. And anyways, if everyone just stopped eating dairy and meat, what would all those companies do? They would have to shut down, and lots of people would lose their jobs. It's like when your playing Jenga and you pull the wrong block and they all fall down. This potentially could change our society in either a very postive or a very negative way.

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