Friday, August 26, 2011

The Dangers Of Child Anorexia


Summary: Anorexia, a serious eating disorder, is no longer limited to teenagers and adults. In fact there have been reports of patients as young as 7 years old coming in and being diagnosed with anorexia. It's a serious problem. And it's no longer only girls. Boys are developing anorexia more than ever before. Some of the problem can be in their genetic makeup. Kids with high levels of anxiety or OCD can be vulnerable to anorexia. Also, our culture revolves around the way we look. Kids are bombarded with this every day. We need to take the initiative and warn this kids before it's too late.

Critique: This is a serious problem. Anorexia is serious even at an adult level, but in kids it even worse. If we don't recognize the symptoms right away, it could be too late for these kids.

Impact: All of us need to step up. We can't protect these kids from the culture, but we can teach them to react healthily to it.

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